The celery juice craze is on the rise and for good reason. Not only is this green juice becoming loved and favored by those around the globe but your favorite celebrities are on board and have been posting all over social media about it. Celery has been underrated up until now with the green vegetable being loathed by most individuals. However, the food loved by rabbits is remarkably good for your health. We highly recommend drinking a glass of freshly juiced celery first thing in the morning.

Why The Celery Juice Craze Is And Should Be A Thing
Celery is a wonderful source of important antioxidants. these antioxidants guard your blood vessels and cells from damage. Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids and another 12 kinds of antioxidant nutrients which can be found in one single stalk. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that work in the digestive tract, cells, blood vessels, and organs. Inflammation has been proven to be connected to illnesses including arthritis and osteoporosis. The actual seeds of the celery have 25 anti-inflammatory compounds.
Drinking celery juice first thing in the morning boosts your digestive system, stimulates weight loss, heals and activates your gut by restoring hydrochloric acid and lowers cholesterol levels. Adding to all these benefits celery juice also aids the liver.l The juice can truly transform your health, digestive system and help you lose those extra pounds if that is what you’re after. Especially with the current chaos in today’s world the juice is a great way to fight infection as celery has shown to have antimicrobial properties that naturally boost immunity and fight infection. The component of celery being alkalizing prevents chronic diseases and has been shown to lengthen life.
Get juicing, get drinking and celery juice will truly change your life. The unbelievable green juice is a great addition to your morning routine. It is important to juice it and drink it fresh, as soon as possible as it loses its potency with each hour it stands.