We’ve all had some surprising discoveries in the past. Perhaps you discovered $20 in a coat pocket that you never used, or perhaps when cleaning your basement, you discovered a hidden family relic. The discoveries on this list were all unexpected, just like yours were. They cover everything in between, from the bizarre to the priceless. Numerous of these discoveries are still unresolved, and they are the subject of Netflix documentaries and films. While some of these discoveries were the product of pure luck, others were the result of diligence and perseverance. This list ought to encourage you to be curious and keep your eyes open. The future? Maybe you’ll discover something equally amazing.

Amazing Discoveries In The Most Unusual Places
Underground Pyramid Found in Bolivia
Location: Tiahuanaco, Bolivia
Year Discovered: 2015
Est. Value: Unknown
Numerous discoveries have been made as a result of excavations that have been conducted for years by both private businesses and the government in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia and its historical ruins. One of Tiahuanaco’s more stunning discoveries in 2015 was an underground pyramid. It was located by archaeologists using ground-penetrating radar. Monoliths were also discovered inside the pyramid. This underground pyramid is presently being excavated. The most significant metropolis in ancient South America was located in Tiahuanaco. Stone monuments, palace remains, sculptures, and other artifacts have been discovered at this enormous historical site, which covers an area of 231,000 square miles. Tiahuanaco has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.

Underground Pyramid Found In Bolivia